
  1. Potential researchers/scientists/faculty members/students are invited to submit full-length original and high-quality research papers.
  2. No author is permitted to submit more than two papers to the conference (in any author position).
  3. Ensure that you have read Author Guidelines carefully before submitting a paper to the conference.
  4. Ensure that authors should not violate anyone’s copyright/patents and the ideas and methods of other people.
  5. Ensure that no part of this work has been published or submitted anywhere.
  6.  Ensure that all permissions have been obtained for any non-original material/copyright material (figures, graphs, charts, tables, etc. of previously published papers) in the manuscript, including previously published copies of your own work.
  7. Ensure that you have checked plagiarism and similarity index before submitting your paper.
  8. All submissions to the conference should be free of any form of plagiarism. All submissions with less than 10% similarity will only be eligible for review, with the quality and scope of the work being taken into consideration.
  9. At any point, from the moment of manuscript submission until publication, the paper may be reviewed for plagiarism.
  10. All submitted papers to the conference will undergo a double-blind review process.
  11. All the accepted papers must be revised with due comments and suggestions given by reviewers (if any) before the deadlines.
  12. It is no longer permissible to add or remove authors from a manuscript after paying conference registration and publication fees.
  13. Payment of the registration fee does not ensure eventual acceptance, and your presented paper will be re-evaluated before a final decision on publication.
  14. The Publisher maintains the right to exclude any papers from the Work if, in its or its advisers’ view, any papers are deemed unsuitable for publication by the Publisher. The publisher retains final decision-making authority. Please note that the Publisher has the full decision on the release date and time of full volume and issue.

Paper Submission Procedure

Please follow the below steps for submission of your paper:

Step 1:

Please download the Full-Length Paper Templates DOWNLOAD TEMPLATES

Step 2:

Submit only full-length papers to the conference. SUBMISSION LINK

Step 3:

After successfully submitting the paper, please fill the GOOGLE FORM

Contact us

+91 9099090001

Conference Chair
Dr. Alice Abraham, President, IMPACT Group of Institutions, Bangalore, India.

Conference Convener
Dr. Jalumedi Babu, Principal, IMPACT College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (ICEAS), Bangalore, India.

Conference Venue
Impact Campus
Near Chairman’s Club, Kodigehalli, Sahakara Nagar South, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560092.